The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India declared the results of the CA Foundation and CA Intermediate exams that were conducted in September 2024. Since the candidates are waiting for the result, this blog will guide you on how to check your results, important details, and what’s in store for the ones who have passed.
ICAI CA Result 2024
Attribute | Details |
Organization | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) |
Exam | CA Intermediate September 2024 |
Category | Result |
Status | Released |
CA Inter Result Date | 30th October 2024 |
CA Inter Exam Dates 2024 | Group 1: 12th, 14th, and 17th September 2024 |
Group 2: 19th, 21st, and 23rd September 2024 | |
Official Website | |
ICAI CA Foundation, Inter Exam 2024
CA Foundation exams are held on 13th September, 15th September, 18th September, and 20th September. While the CA Intermediate exams are divided into two groups, Group I was held from 12th September to 14th September and 17th September, while Group II was from 19th September to 21st September and 23rd September. Such results play a very significant role as they provide merit to the students to take further levels in Chartered Accountancy.
These tests are no test of mere formality but rather mark a very critical phase of a candidate’s life. The tough nature of the tests ensures that the individual who clears such examinations would have a very deep knowledge in the arena of accounting principles and practice. This makes proper preparation of extreme importance, as these various examinations require a probing into different subjects which includes taxation, auditing, financial reporting, and business laws amongst others.
How to check your ICAI CA Foundation, Inter Result 2024

Candidates can check the results on the official website of ICAI. This is how you can access the scorecard:
- Check the ICAI result portal at
- Click on the appropriate link of CA Foundation or CA Intermediate
- Input your roll number and registration number which are treated as login details.
- Submit the details to view your result.
- Ensure you have your login details handy so that when checking your scores, everything runs smoothly. It is during the release of the results that the candidates are eagerly awaiting and anxiously expecting, hence the need to be prepared.
ICAI CA Inter Result September 2024 Link
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has announced the ICAI CA Intermediate Result for September 2024 for both Groups 1 and 2 on its official website. A direct link to access the CA Inter Result 2024 is provided below. Candidates can conveniently view their total marks for Group 1 and 2 exams, subject-wise scores, and qualifying status by clicking the link and logging into the portal.
ICAI CA Results Highlights
Until October 30, 2024, ICAI has published some statistics regarding the performance of candidates in both examinations. For instance, in the CA Foundation, a total of 91,900 candidates appeared, and 13,749 passed, which gives a pass rate of 14.96%. However, in Intermediate Group 1, 117,764 candidates appeared, out of whom 31,978 passed, which is approximately 27.15%, whereas Group 2 had 71,145 candidates, with 13,008 passing, which is around 18.28%.
This would mean that these were stiff exams and that proper planning needed to be done prior to sitting for them. That said, the low success rate leaves much to be desired because it calls for very stringent efforts to pass successfully in these exams.
ICAI CA Result 2024 Toppers List
The ICAI has announced the list of toppers for the CA Intermediate September 2024 exams, with girls leading the way this year. The results for the CA Intermediate exams were published online today, October 30, 2024.
Parami Umesh Parekh from Mumbai achieved the highest score, securing 484 marks (80.67%). She was followed by Tanya Gupta, who scored 459 marks (76.50%), and Vidhi Jain, with a score of 441 marks (73.50%).
ICAI Toppers: CA Intermediate Toppers List 2024
Candidate name | Parami Umesh Parekh | Tanya Gupta | Vidhi Jain |
City | Mumbai | Chennai | Delhi |
Marks | 484 | 459 | 441 |
Percentage | 80.67% | 76.50% | 73.50% |
What next?
For those who manage to pass, the outcome presents a new challenge before them.
Any person who passes the Foundation exam is eligible to seek admission to the Intermediate course; similarly, after passing the Intermediate exams one can go ahead on the Chartered Accountancy course known as the Final course. This progression with career aspects enhances more for aspiring chartered accountants through it.
Students in the Intermediate course would face new challenges in the form of more extensive knowledge and skills. The syllabus becomes more challenging for candidates as they dig deeper into specialized areas of accounting and finance.
Important Points to be considered
A pass at the Foundation level requires that each candidate get at least 40% on every paper. A further requirement to qualify for a pass is an aggregate score of 50% across all the papers. From the above marking system, it becomes evident that only those candidates who can apply what they have learned with good comprehension can progress up the scale.
The understanding of these criteria will be a precursor to the planning of future study sessions. The candidates should aim at clearing not only individual papers but also achieving an aggregate as required by ICAI.
Preparation for Future Examinations
With results now out, and future courses also well outlined for successful candidates, the time has come to move things forward. The following tests will be conducted during the month of January 2025, so candidates need to begin working much ahead of time. On this note, the registration will also begin on November 10, 2024.
Effective study strategies make a huge difference in the performance of future exams. The candidates should consider forming a study group or seeking mentorship from those who have successfully navigated similar challenges.
It is a long-overdue declaration for most people in the process of striving to become chartered accountants. Whether one makes it or not, another round is in store and another chance to regroup in a bid to succeed.
Stay tuned for further updates on future examinations and tips on how to prepare effectively. Congratulations to all the successful candidates! Your hard work has finally paid off, and exciting opportunities await you in your professional journey.